31 março 2007

Final do XII Festival de Música Moderna Corroios'2007

2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo disse...

I have an unlocked iphone that I'm using in the country of Azerbaijan with a prepaid sim card.. Every few minutes I get a message on my phone that indicates new charges for internet use even though I'm not actually on the internet. I'm guessing it has something to do with the sim card, a feature that needs to be disabled or the service provider (Azercell). Has anyone ever had this problem or knows how to fix it?

[url=http://unlockiphone22.com]unlock iphone[/url]

10:14 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo disse...

Hello, as you may already found I am new here.
Hope to get any assistance from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

1:51 da manhã  

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